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If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America

If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America Part 1

When I first started my company in 2005, companies were still paying top level (and sometimes mid-level) sales professionals (discipline I started with) $100,000 and up.  For me, this meant that even though in my ramp-up period my business volume was low, my revenue wasn’t, as there is somewhat of a direct relationship between employee compensation and recruiter compensation for finding that individual.

Those days are gone.  My company receives over twenty times the amount of hiring inquires compared to when I started the firm, but we get about the same total number of high-paying sales positions.

As long as you don’t count sanity as a requisite for survival, I survived and I guess one could say thrived.  Here are six tips based on the mentality that built an employment-related company when I’m sure many thought it could not be done.

1) If There’s Not Much to Feast On, Many Are Going to Suffer Famine but it doesn’t have to be you.

What I’ve learned is that many who are not happy with the performance of their business are used to an old economy in which they could cut basic corners and still do well.  That is no longer the way of the world.

The only way to remain intact these days is to have a rule that every piece of work you have to do can be nothing short of better than your last and better than what you thought you could do.

Stick to this rule and you may often be frustrated, but rarely will you be disappointed in the results….

Article Continued: If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America

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