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Posts tagged ‘staffing firms’

What Is B2B and Why Choose This Model For Your Start-Up

Choosing the right business to start is something that nobody can tell you except yourself. Seeking the advice of others is simply confusing and is a waste of time. Ask ten business owners what they think as to which business to start and you’ll probably end up with fifteen different ideas because answering the Golden Question of Entrepreneurship often proves difficult to even the most seasoned business professional.

The ten answers that I can guarantee you’re not going to get are of the businesses that those entrepreneurs are currently in.

The process of choosing which business to start is often done incorrectly and does not factor in the experience level of the younger entrepreneur or lay a foundation for the first-time business owner to grow both personally, professionally and fiscally.

The issue with many business plans is that, prior to inception, they fail to take into account certain variables that can determine whether a business has longevity, such as search engine marketing competition, the hassle and entrepreneur’s inherent ability to recruit and manage outside manufacturers as various globalization factors will flood a market.

With the advent of the web and the multifaceted programming features of WordPress, many younger entrepreneurs have the ability to go into business for themselves very easily and very cheaply, but very haphazardly. What may be a cost-effective business now could be a nightmare waiting to happen…

Article Continued: What Is B2B and Why Choose This Model For Your Start-Up

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Employee Retention via a Pool Table: Recruiting in the Internet Realm

Employee Retention via a Pool Table: Recruiting in the Internet Realm

I don’t know who did it first – whether it be Microsoft, Google, etc., but the moment a pool table was put into one of those offices, recruiting in the internet realm it became nearly impossible for the small guys to recruit and even harder for the employees of the big guys to leave.

Yes. Compared to any other office I know of or have been to, Google’s office (I was only at one) was much cooler than the average company.

Free lunch, scooters, religious meetings, laundry, massages, billiards, etc.; as I said, much cooler.

However, what started out as probably a fun thing (in 1996), would have profound effects on employee retention within these firms and the day that pool table was delivered, was the day that the small guys in the internet realm lost half their recruiting initiatives.

Why is this so…

Article Continued: Employee Retention via a Pool Table: Recruiting in the Internet Realm

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Ken Sundheim picture taken at MSG Rangers game.

How Entrepreneurship Should Be Taught to Younger Generations

How Entrepreneurship Should Be Taught to Younger Generations

I took one of my interns out to lunch today and during, he preceded to tell me what types of businesses students proposed opening during college and which ones he was impressed by.

As he proceeded to go down the list, the ideas just got wackier and remained as unrealistic as they did immature.

It’s not a huge deal and entrepreneurship is about thinking and weighing business options as well as being fun, but where failure lurks in a business plan, professors need to be more candid that these plans will, ultimately not work (or have significant odds against the business owners).

Who’s fault is it?

It’s about 50 / 50, 1/2 falling on the professors and the other 1/2 the students.

How should entrepreneurship be taught?

Entrepreneurship needs to be taught in a realistic sense based on if the entrepreneur can sell the product, not invent something and hope it goes gangbuster, thus selling itself…

Article Continued: How Entrepreneurship Should Be Taught to Younger Generations

4 Tips to Build Your Business Ken Sundheim KAS Recruiters

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Videos for Interviewers

If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America

If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America Part 1

When I first started my company in 2005, companies were still paying top level (and sometimes mid-level) sales professionals (discipline I started with) $100,000 and up.  For me, this meant that even though in my ramp-up period my business volume was low, my revenue wasn’t, as there is somewhat of a direct relationship between employee compensation and recruiter compensation for finding that individual.

Those days are gone.  My company receives over twenty times the amount of hiring inquires compared to when I started the firm, but we get about the same total number of high-paying sales positions.

As long as you don’t count sanity as a requisite for survival, I survived and I guess one could say thrived.  Here are six tips based on the mentality that built an employment-related company when I’m sure many thought it could not be done.

1) If There’s Not Much to Feast On, Many Are Going to Suffer Famine but it doesn’t have to be you.

What I’ve learned is that many who are not happy with the performance of their business are used to an old economy in which they could cut basic corners and still do well.  That is no longer the way of the world.

The only way to remain intact these days is to have a rule that every piece of work you have to do can be nothing short of better than your last and better than what you thought you could do.

Stick to this rule and you may often be frustrated, but rarely will you be disappointed in the results….

Article Continued: If There’s Not Much to Feast On…opening a business in post-Silicon Valley America

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Staffing and Hiring Tips from Headhunters by Ken Sundheim KAS Recruiters

Staffing and Hiring Tips from Headhunters by Ken Sundheim KAS Recruiters "ken sundheim"


How to Write a Resume for the Job Boards by Ken Sundheim

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3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship

3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship "ken sundheim"

I never grew up telling myself that I would own my own business.  As a matter of fact, until my last semester at college, I thought that I was there to chase girls around…until I did meet my wife who cancelled that activity.

I cared less about school.

I did okay – 3.49 I believe was my final GPA from Fordham, but the possibility of entrepreneurship never really dawned on me. What did I know about business?  Also, I didn’t have the confidence in myself to buck the trend.  I needed a job that was open with a stable company.

That is instead of having to create a job that didn’t exist from a company that I would have to start from scratch with real, viable business ideas…

Article Continued: 3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship

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Salary Negotiation for Job Seekers 

Although I have a very keen eye for spotting a fair amount of negotiation tactics, I find negotiation, in most circumstances, to simply be a hindrance to the normal flow of business.

For a moment, tally up the opportunity cost that you have seen wasted by others who want to negotiate arbitrary, meaningless things like the cost of pens at Staples. You would probably have a good chunk of change if you summed up all that wasted time and energy.

Among many professionals, salary negotiation is a topic of inflated importance and is often written about in a very reckless, inaccurate manner by people who are off base to an extent that piques a tremendous amount of curiosity for me, both personally and as a sales recruiter.

It took me years to come up with these salary negotiation “rules” I recommend most job seekers follow. They are broad, but since I started KAS, I find them to be the most reliable, in the widest variety of job offer situations.

Video: CEO Ken Sundheim Discusses Salary Negotiation Techniques Rarely Considered

– Unless you need the money, don’t negotiate for a few thousand dollars.

With a grin, I once saw a VP go back and forth with a 20 year old over $3,000. How this VP is still gainfully employed, I don’t know. When two people who don’t know how to negotiate get together, they get a perception that each does. Both sides of the table appear to pretend that the boardroom table is a stand at some country bazaar.

Therefore, before you go on the job search, make rules for yourself. Don’t get caught up in situations like the aforementioned. At best, you will waste time or leave a bad taste in the hiring manager’s mouth. At worst, you will lose what should have been a sure thing or a job you really wanted. Rest of article:

Salary Negotiation for Job Seekers

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Sales and Marketing Jobs Executive Recruiter

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Out of all age groups, the older job seeker is having the most trouble in today’s economy. Here are some tips that may help the more seasoned professional successfully procure a job.

Since our firm does senior level and above staffing, our clients (believe me or not), do not discriminate due to age because a lot of people in these positions have a good amount of work experience, but it seems that many companies do shy away from hiring older employees. What is the reason for this perceived notion? I do not know because I’ve always felt that talent is talent. Though, if you, as an older job seeker, feel that you are not getting in the door due to your age, here are some tips for that should assist you upon implementing a successful job hunt.

Dates and Titles of Older Positions Held
If you want to look younger on your resume, don’t put that you were a Sales Manager in ’77. Instead, change that title to a “Sales Representative” or similar (if you are going for a position other than business development) job and focus on sales you did for the company, thus shying away from and not mentioning the word “management.”

Out of all the outlined tips provided below, this is the first and most crucial way to start to conjure up some interest in your resume and what the assets that you can bring to the companies that you are applying to work for.

Male vs. Female Tendencies
A recent study by Rutgers University showed that males who are dominate during an interview are much more likely to get the job than males who cannot control the conversation in any sense and, subsequently are only talked at and who fail to make the interview a “give and take.” Conversely, the opposite goes for females. Therefore, equipped with this knowledge, upon getting into the interview, you will be more likely to seal the deal and get the offer you deserve.

Go For Broke – Might As Well Put Your Age on the Table
If you feel that, during the interview, you are “behind,” simply state, in a firm voice,

“I understand that I am older and that it puts me a little behind, however I can assure you that I can produce faster and more swiftly than the others going for the job. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.”

Regardless of age, this is what any interviewer wants to hear from any applicant. Also, putting your age in the equation should kill all doubt that you can successfully do the job and that you are worth hiring. Make the interviewer understand that you “understand,” then you are on more than on a level playing field.

What Have You Been Doing Since?
If you have not been employed by the last employer stated on your resume for over 3+ months, it’s best that you don’t have a work history that begins with a specific date for that job and ends with a “- present.” Instead, have a consulting job on your resume.

Then, if asked during the interview as to what you have been doing since your last firm and yourself stopped the relationship, you have something to tell them. Make sure that you are doing something work related while technically unemployed or the interest in your resume will deteriorate.

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Writing a Job Description Like a Headhunter

Fact: job descriptions can be tricky to write even if you’re a professional. However, many employers come to our recruiters after job posting failure. Subsequently, these individuals feel that their job postings did not show the success it would if they had just written it a little bit better. This is NOT the case.

To really hit a home run with a job description, you have to be in the 99th percentile. Our recruiters have access to post for free just about on every job board from here to New Zealand. We don’t normally post more than a few jobs per client because they are simply a waste of time, ironically done by hirers with the hopes of not wasting money.


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Though, that does not mean that your job description must go to waste. Many companies, regardless of size have trouble “recruiting” the best applicants on the market because upon meeting these individuals, the interviewers have sometimes failed to take the time to lay out the benefits that the employee will receive on both a monetary and personal basis by working with the organization.

When you formulate these “job descriptions,” focus them on the benefit of the individual who will earn the job, instead of having the attitude (or having others perceive) that the job seeking process is all about the hiring party.

Upon interviewing, if you focus on getting the interviewee interested and engaged in the position, they are inevitably going to be more relaxed, and thus more open as to the answers to your questions. If you can get a job seeker engaged in the prospect of working at your firm during the initial interview rounds, you are going to go into the final decision-making process with an enormous amount of additional ammo to help you make the right hiring decision.

One last hint regarding the job descriptions is to avoid generic adjectives such as “best” or “great!” Even if it takes an hour in front of a thesaurus, I can almost guarantee that you can make your company an absolute All-Star when it comes to open job seekers having the active demand to become a part of your organization.

Ken Sundheim

NYC employment and staffing company 

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