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Do People Hire Job Seekers Whom They Like?…

CEO of KAS Placement’s New York Recruitment, Ken Sundheim discusses recruiting in his new recruiter video.

You will never find a recent graduate writing on this blog whom I don’t feel can make a better impact than the 300 other entry-level marketing resume submissions you receive via email daily. is an invite only blog sponsored by Ken Sundheim, CEO of KAS Placement Recruitment for recent college graduates who the KAS team feels that have a future in marketing and, more importantly are willing to work for it.

This blog is about recent graduates learning all facets of marketing and writing about it to not only learn more than their peers, but who will also display this to the employers who are looking to hire recent college graduates.

In order to qualify to write for this blog, each recent college graduate (regardless of major) must learn advanced marketing tactics and write about them…flawlessly, thus increasing their writing skills and making them a lot more viable than others their age regardless of which college those individuals graduated from.

When vetting who can write for this publication, we immediately look for the quality of hunger, then we look for consistent self-learning. The recent college graduates on this blog, if they continue along their path will make a big difference in any company, regardless of size or industry.

Even though KAS Placement is an executive search firm, hiring any of these individuals who are approved to write for will cost the hiring company a one-time fee of $1,000 for good faith and to help us have the time to keep the program going.

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