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3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship

3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship "ken sundheim"

I never grew up telling myself that I would own my own business.  As a matter of fact, until my last semester at college, I thought that I was there to chase girls around…until I did meet my wife who cancelled that activity.

I cared less about school.

I did okay – 3.49 I believe was my final GPA from Fordham, but the possibility of entrepreneurship never really dawned on me. What did I know about business?  Also, I didn’t have the confidence in myself to buck the trend.  I needed a job that was open with a stable company.

That is instead of having to create a job that didn’t exist from a company that I would have to start from scratch with real, viable business ideas…

Article Continued: 3.2 Life Events That Drove Me to Entrepreneurship

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