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Posts tagged ‘Marketing Headhunter’

Is it the Economy or Your Sales Team?

Is it the Economy or Your Sales Team?

With poor economic news coming in daily, how can management determine whether a dip in sales is due to a sales force that just isn’t doing its job or whether there are outside economic factors at play that are nearly impossible to overcome?


Answering this question is not always easy, however it is always important when determining how successful your company is now and the future potential of the organization.


Below, you will find a few points that ought to help you determine whether a dip in sales could be the team in the business development office or whether the economy is simply not being favorable.


1. What is your competition doing? How do you perceive they are doing?


As an executive, you should not focus on your competition all too much, as keeping the course regarding your own business plan is more important and typically a better use of your time.


However, if one or more of your competitors are aggressively hiring, the economic conditions of your industry may not be all that poor and a deeper look at your sales team may need to be on your “to-do” list.

Ken Sundheim Is the problem your sales team or a bad economy?

2. What is the overall mood in the sales department?


When you walk into a room, executive or not, human nature will allow you to gauge the mood and whether the interaction between the individuals in that room is positive, negative, neutral or nonexistent.


If you decipher it to be one of the latter three adjectives, the economy may be holding up, the problem may be your sales team.


Even though the members of your sales team are not required to be the best of friends, the friendlier, or at least, the more upbeat and communicative they are, the more successful and cohesive your business development team is going to prove to be.


Read the rest of the sales resume and advice article  at – Is the Problem Your Sales Force or the Economy? 



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How to Keep Your Value Up as a Job Seeker

As a job seeker, be aware that an inverse relationship exists between the number of jobs you have had in the past few years and the likely amount of your next job offer. Bouncing from job to job is a serious red flag to employers. This is regardless of whether the job hopping is a true representation of your professional reliability. Although it looks better if you left the jobs rather than if you got fired, either is still a clear negative on your CV.

The best advice I can give to those who have had a few jobs in the past few years is to be upfront about the issue on either your resume (in the objective section) or within your cover letter. Remember to be candid, clearly state that you want a job within an organization that you can grow with for the years to come and do not make excessive excuses for your failure to be at each company for longer time periods.

Ken Sundheim – how to have a better career

2. Continue to hit quotas or receiving professional awards

This is much easier said than done as there are many uncontrollable variables for the job seeker when it comes to this arena. To maintain hitting your quotas as a sales professional, come to an agreement with your current employers as to what fair numbers are…though, do it after being at the company for a little bit. You’d be surprised as to how firms are willing to negotiate this aspect of your sales job and how lucrative meeting those numbers will prove to be at future jobs.

3. Do not have gaps in your resume

Although logic would say that someone unemployed for an extended period of time is much more eager to get back to work than somebody who has had 10 jobs in the past 12 years, ’tis is not the case. We all want what others have and prolonged unemployment on one’s resume turns employers off.

As a job seeker who has been unemployed for a period of time, what do you do to fill any gap of unemployment?

I recommend doing some sort of charity work if you can’t find the job right for you. Not only will this show the employer that you have been active, but the charity may hit home in the HR rep’s heart and you can slide in for an easy interview.

You can read the rest of the recruiting and job search article Keeping your value when not working or simply on the open job market at Ken

 Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement sales recruiters, marketing recruitment and media staffing Seattle headhunters recruiters


3 Reasons Why Only 5% of Resumes Are “Above Average” Cont’d

Ken Sundheim

Ken Sundheim CEO KAS Placement


Make a rule every time you change your resume:


Make the rule that if you change your resume because you heard that your friend got their job after they did x, you must wait two weeks prior to changing it again. This should make you think more and make unnecessary, unhelpful changes less.


3. Don’t make your objective more than 3 lines:


The reason why many online publications have short paragraphs is because web readers get very scared and off-put by the thought of reading long paragraphs. You will never see a chunk of text at the top of any article because the reader would have the bookmarked the next day.

If you must write a book prior to having the resume reader see your experience (and sometimes it’s necessary), make it well written and form a new paragraph after every two sentences.

Also, always widen out your margins as the odds of the resume reader reading the 2nd page of your resume is very, very low. Though, don’t prompt this to make your resume 1page. Instead, the MS Word real-estate to your advantage.


In Summation:


After these three 3 are taken care of, I’ll gladly give more. However, by that time, hopefully you’ve followed these 3 enough to where you are employed by the “stretch job” that you thought would not even call you for a 1st interview.

DC Recruiters  DC Headhunters

Houston Headhunters, Recruiters in Houston, Houston Marketing Recruiters 

Recruiting Firms, Headhunters, Executive Recruiters

Marketing Headhunter

There are many different types of recruiting agencies that tailor to just about any job seeker. These Los Angeles headhunter firms span about any and every industry and work in both the private and public sector. However, just because these agencies are in abundance, prior to engaging the aforementioned staffing companies, the job seeker should know basic recruiter lingo as not knowing some basic terminology can block job search success via the recruiter route.

There are many different types of recruiting agencies that tailor to just about any job seeker. These headhunter firms span about any and every industry and work in both the private and public sector.
However, just because these agencies are in abundance, prior to engaging the aforementioned staffing companies, the job seeker should know basic recruiter lingo as not knowing some basic terminology can block job search success via the recruiter route.

First, prior to approaching these staffing companies and executive search firms, the job seeker should know the difference between a retained any contingency executive search contract. Although, there are many headhunter agencies, essentially all recruiting firms work on either a contingency recruitment or a retained recruitment agreement.

What Is a Contingency Recruiting Agreement? How Does It Affect Me?

A contingency recruiting contract is where a hiring company does not pay any job search fees to the third-party recruiter until they hire a particular job seeker. Although some hiring companies feel that this is advantageous because they get to see as many job applicants as they wish, this type of recruiting and headhunter contract is not always advantageous to the job seeker primarily because many staffing companies are working on the same project.

For instance, if 5 different recruiting companies are working on the job placement, more likely than not 25 to 35 different applications are going to be interviewing for that same position. Another thing to be cognizant of is that a lot of recruiting firms don’t put their best headhunters on contingency search agreements because contingency searches very rushed organized in nature; it’s a first come – only served for the recruiter.

What is a Retained Recruiting Agreement? How Does It Affect Me?

A retained recruiting contract is when the hiring company gives what is called an “exclusive” to an executive search firm and pays them up-front to begin the hiring process. The exclusive or retained contract means that the hired recruiting firm is the only search firm working on that particular project as opposed to a contingency agreement where multiple firms are vying for the placement. Aside from this, there are many more benefits for the job seeker to work with these types agencies.

One additional benefit for the job seeker is that the headhunter recruiter works one-on-one with the company, thus lowering the number of total job applicants going for the positions. Also, since the recruiters are working one-on-one with the company, they usually have more inside information as to tips on how to interview effectively for the job.

There are enough differences between the above 2 recruitment agreements to fill a book. However, these should get you started on your search for the right recruiting company .

The Boston marketing recruiter Boston marketing headhunters  at KAS Placement marketing headhunter, sales recruiter staffing and recruitment 

Ken Sundheim also is a partner in an Atlanta geotechnical engineering firm soil analysis foundation engineering in Atlanta 

Sales Management Recruiting – the Job of Your Sales Manager

The job of a sales manager

KAS Placement is a New York City headhunter NYC staffing agency and Boston marketing recruiter Boston marketing headhunter specializing in sales management recruiting and marketing headhunting.

There is a big misconception among many business development professionals regarding getting a promotion and becoming a sales manager. Many salespeople are entrepreneurial nature, and therefore will have trouble upon getting into a sales management role. The reason why many sales representatives are not great management is because sales is a very do-it-yourself type job and does not involve mass amounts of teamwork like investments.

Therefore, all the sudden the sales professional will find him or herself not being able to do that self work meaning not making cold calls anymore, not being able to do that private computer research and not being able to negotiate deals. Essentially, it is like a football player having to get off the field going to be, coach.

Running at a sales management recruiter sales management sales executive search firm, I have come to see that many employers are replacing their sales manager for the reason that they promoted in in-house sale*who fell flat upon being given a sales management role.

If you like to find out more about our sales headhunters or staffing company Chicago sales recruiters, contact KAS Placement recruitment and employment agency today.

Ken Sundheim’s blog KAS Write provides the reader with sales and marketing recruitment, marketing headhunter job seeker advice mistakes job seeker and gives advice for the younger entrepreneur the entrepreneurship articles.


Staffing company it sales recruiters

A few resume mistakes that can cost the job

1st, as an executive recruiter Los Angeles one big mistake that I see a lot of job seekers make with the resume is that they have an intro that is exceedingly long and failed to highlight the main points in a few, succinct sentences explaining their recruitment and job search expertise.

Your resume objective should be 3 to 4 sentences with highlights in it as this is the 1st, and if you don’t write the resume correctly only part of your resume that the hiring manager or recruiter is going to see.

Instead of long, drawn out and run-on sentences your resume objective should be succeeding, it should be candid and accurate as to what you wanted to as a job seeker, what your strengths are and what type of companies you work best.

Another mistake that many job seekers make upon formulating their resume is that they put “fluff” and include very “cheesy” buzzwords. For instance, never use words such as “sales superstar.” Hyping yourself off with the resume has the absolute opposite effect and is not going to get the attention of any intelligent, highly paying hiring manager.

This leads me into my next mistake that I want to discuss that job seekers make. Jobseekers, sometimes think they get very creative and you are the things during the job hunt which kills their chance is of ever getting the position that they want. For instance, I have had a few job applicants staffing agencies employment firms send me some very odd things in a package.

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One example would be when a job seeker sent me a very hard keys if she is with the hat saying something very odd. When it comes to the job search in less you are 100% sure that you are doing something correctly, stay status quo.

Ken Sundheim runs KAS placement software sales recruiters marketing recruitment Chicago head hunters.

NYC media recruitment

sales recruitment

headhunter recruitment staffing agency recruiting firm

The daily duties of a headhunter vary upon which executive search firm he decide to work for.

Contingency executive recruiting companies and contingency headhunters–contingency headhunters is more of a fast-paced recruiting environment as the contingency contract for any recruiter do not get paid unless they make particular placement on the employee. Contingency contracts are very lucrative if you are good at placing them, however if you are new to recruiting industry is going to take some time to become accustomed to doing so. Therefore, your 1st job in the recruiting industry should definitively have a base salary as you do want to make some money right off the bat whether or not you are learning something.

Contingency contracts for the recruiter, headhunter, staffing professional can be somewhat frustrating as well. The reason these contracts could be frustrating is that companies sometimes take advantage of the free recruitment and staffing services that go along with contingency contracts. For instance, sometimes a company will hire a recruiting firm to justify the candidates that they already have in the 3rd or 4th round of interviews, therefore these headhunters recruiters are only wasting their time by working on the account. The problematic thing is with recruiting for these types of companies it’s very hard to decipher which recruitment and staffing firms are serious and which are also just trying to justify or see what is in the open market.

There are many niche recruiting firms as well and, I suggest that anyone taking a job in the executive search firm field go to one of these niche staffing headhunter recruitment companies therefore being able to become an expert in a niche area as opposed to recruiting headhunter executive recruiter in a bunch of different industries, and risking not learning to the fullest extent about the recruiting head hunter staffing firm industry.

Another thing to be cognizant of as a headhunter is to try to work on a retained executie search firm executive recruitment agency for the reason that you know that you are going to make a placement and, typically these companies are better with their employees and have a larger or more procedures turnover rate than your typical contingency contracts.

Ken Sundheim runs KAS placement executive recruitment a  NYC staffing agency.   Soil engineers Atlanta civil engineering firms foundation engineers

Working at a Staffing Firm and Recruitment Agency

Working at an executive staffing company recruiting agency marketing recruiter  has both its positives and negatives just like any job whether it be in recruiting and human resources or whether the particular job is entirely in a different industry and could be further from the day-to-day duties of employee working at an executive recruiting and job staffing company.


If you choose to take a job at a larger executive recruiting company Atlanta executive recruitment or a publicly traded corporate search and staffing recruiting solutions organization such as Heidrich, you are most likely either going to be doing sales to potential recruitment employers or the actual staffing and recruiting process which entails the headhunter going out and making cold calls to potential job seekers whose resume may be fit and who may be interested in the job that they have been hired to recruit for.


Regardless of whether you end up working for a large, small niche or giant executive recruiting company, my one piece of advice that you should adhere to is not to get in the recruiting solutions business for the money as there are big payouts and big commissions when it comes to successfully placing jobseekers within a corporate staffing environment. Though, just like anything else in life were just like any other job, if you do it for the money you’re not going to be happy because you’re never going to make that money and your and spend the rest of your career chasing it.


As an owner of a job search agency, I must tell you to follow your passion regardless of what is passion comes before money in everything from poetry to staffing and executive recruitment outsourced solutions organizations.


A career in staffing and executive recruitment agency is very fun, just make sure you do your research on the job search industry, the economic turbulence that comes with job recruiting an executive outsource recruiting solutions and ensure that you like the corporate atmosphere of the company that you are going to be representing while recruiting job candidates or selling potential hiring companies staffing and outsourced human resources solutions from your Chicago executive recruitment agency headhunter los angeles sales and marketing recruiting sales jobs staffing blog

Some of the most positive things that your organization can implement during the executive recruitment, implement staffing and recruiting agency process are the following steps towards successful employee retention, retainment and job success.

Because executive recruitment and the majority of staffing solutions that can be outsourced to recruiting companies our highly expensive and can run upwards of 30 or $40,000, many companies take a longtime attempting to circumvent the aforementioned staffing and job search fees by recruiting themselves.

First and foremost, to obtain the best possible employees for the job and have them highly interested in being recruited for the job by your organization is to have a good corporate image that is conducive two the job seeker being intrigued as to the prospect being hired and working for your recruitment, staffing employment search organization.

The second factor this can help you recruit the best employment seekers on the market is to have a clean office, and make a good impression upon recruiting these individuals.

Remember, the contingency staffing and executive recruiting contract is only payable upon the hiring company actually offering somebody (a job seeker) the open position that the hiring company was seeking to recruit headhunter for prior to reaching out two a multitude staffing agencies in order to reach out to the best job seekers and obtain the best sales and marketing employees on the open staffing and executive search job market.

Running a staffing agency I have seen a multitude, an extensive multitude of job seekers articles job search advice turned down job offers for second interview engagements with hiring companies because upon getting staff, they walked into a dirty office, with sluggish employees who didn’t seem to care about their job and, the job seeker perceived that this type of atmosphere was not conducive to a successful career that he or she would enjoy nor make a good amount of money after the executive search and staffing company, employment recruiting process.

As a headhunter, I do have one more recommendation for all hiring parties looking to executive recruitment the best jobseekers in the industry is to pay a highly competitive compensation as well as very strong benefits–the higher the employee, the stronger benefits your company should be prepared to pay upon staffing and recruiting this individual.

Compensation of Executive Search Companies

There are a few different ways that staffing and executive search companies work upon filling open jobs for any corporate entity regardless of size and headhunting and executive search needs.

Corporate recruiting and executive search contingency contract is where the Chicago search firm is typically up against a few other recruiting agencies and, the recruitment company that ends up staffing the job search professional is the one that gets paid and, in exchange for a high fee usually 20% of the employee’s base salary, that staffing firm gives a guarantee that the employee will work out for X number of days.

Then there is a retained recruitment and executive search fee where the hiring company works one-on-one with the recruiting firm and, typically pays an upfront guaranteed staffing fee for the recruitment solutions organization to begin their search and ensure that the job staffing project is completed.

Whichever recruiting solutions sales and marketing recruiter at a company goes with is entirely up to them while there are some pros and cons to each staffing and job articles fee structure, at the end of the day the recruiting decision is up to the employer.


In the end, the executive search process and staffing company recruitment agency process is very daunting, and if effective, intelligent, game changing job seekers were abundant in this world, there would be no need for the staffing industry and/or human resource divisions within companies. Unfortunately, for most businesses, recruiting the right employees is exceedingly hard and sometimes it is more cost effective to outsource the recruiting staffing and headhunter jobs that come with needing to staff executive level job seekers.

Inside sales careers being recruited for an inside sales job


Leadership as a young entrepreneur