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Running a Small Business During a Recession

Job Search Tips 

As the chief executive officer of a sales headhunter, marketing recruiter DC headhunters DC recruitment, sales management recruiting and media executive search firm, I have some recommendations for job seekers who are looking to find the right position for them early on in their career.

1.As a sales or marketing job seeker, you must feel that the boss of whom you are going to be reporting to has strong leadership skills and can forward the company that you are taking a job with, thus creating future positions for you in order to prevent staying stagnant at one particular position and having to leave to another company for a promotion.

Ken Sundheim – What Headhunters Look for In Job Applicants

Owning my recruiting company, I make sure to continually forward the marketing headhunter organization in hopes of creating new, exciting positions for the employees at my recruitment agency.

This is the same thing, that as a job seeker you should be looking for in your manager as working for “middle–management” is a pride swallowing, boring (for lack of better term) and will get the job seeker nowhere.

KAS Placement is an executive recruiting agency with recruiters specializing in sales management headhunters, marketing recruitment solutions, sales management recruiters and media headhunters. The staffing agency in New York City helps recruit job seekers of all levels starting with entry-level job seekers all the way to executive level employment seekers.

Ken Sundheim’s blog has ties entrepreneur and job seeker advice, sales management articles, business development articles, sales and marketing job seeker advice and many more. The headhunter and executive recruitment blog has all of Ken’s original articles that he writes as a chief executive offer the recruitment agency, staffing firm headhunter recruiter.

Atlanta Geotechnical Engineers  – geotechni

Washington DC Recruiters  – page is dedicated to KAS Placement’s efforts in recruiting top job seekers for hiring companies in the greater Washington DC area.

Los Angeles Recruiters – link to the Los Angeles recruiting experts at KAS Placement.

What Recruiters Want In Sales and Marketing Job Seekers KAS Placement and KAS Recruitment

One Comment Post a comment
  1. I am a job seeker….347-416-9322..Please have a rep. Give me a call.

    Warm Regards,

    Hector Riser

    September 19, 2012

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