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Awesome Free Chance to Improve a Marketing Resume

Nearly 80 of entry to mid level marketing jobs want their prospective hires to know copywriting, blogging (wordpress), social media and editing.  Nearly 0% of colleges teach this stuff.

It’s a Hobby to Help

Like I said, it’s a hobby, we don’t charge you.  Rather this is giving back from someone who had to learn marketing all by himself.

This begs the question, do you want a very strong add-on to your marketing or sales resume with not all too much work and amazing exposure? Right now, one of my company’s blogs dedicated to marketing is looking for recent college graduates to write for it.

Each time an article is accepted (350 – 500 words each), it goes out to over 3,000 business contacts of mine in marketing and sales headhunting and marketing recruiting and we’ve already had someone get a position with a strong total compel package within their first post. This shows employees that you know online media, copy-writing, editing and social media as we expect you to promote your articles as well as we will through our network.

On average, over 150 people will read the post as our blogs are popular and we’ll make sure that it’s proofed and looks great. We’ll also include a link to your LinkedIn page so people can network with you.

I did the site personally down to the design, it’s a very reputable, well done domain which I put my name behind and it is completely free to submit articles to me as this is not for our benefit, but rather to help people who really want marketing jobs.

Here is a post that someone recently wrote: The stories I’m looking for are factual pieces about different marketing facets such as search engine optimization, branding, etc.


Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement and is a known leader in the executive search world. When it comes to sales and marketing recruiting, sources like WSJ, NYTimes, Fox Business News, AOL, MSN, Chicago Tribune, BusinessInsider,, CBS MoneyWatch, MTV, San Francisco Chronicle, and many more look to Ken Sundheim for job search advice.  Ken also helps recent college graduates find marketing jobs as a consulting function through KAS.

"ken sundheim" "kas placement" "kenneth sundheim"

Ken Sundheim picture taken at MSG Rangers game.

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To Apply

Please contact zoe.hunter@kasplacement with the topic:  Busy or not, we will get back to you.


Not Getting a Job After College Graduation Video by KAS Placement

FYI – Do nice things for others and you get paid back in spades, if you like the video take the second to hit the thumbs up…we’re working probono, but still really appreciate it!

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