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Is It Time to Quit Your Job

Regardless of how unhappy they are, people are always afraid to move jobs. Though
the odds of success may be higher at another company, it is the uncertainty that
clouds their judgment.


I have seen candidates wait out an impending lay-off just to keep some glimmer
of hope that it may not come.


If you work hard enough and become very good at what you do, you should feel
comfortable moving to another company. It’s worth the risk, if you make an educated,
carefully considered decision.


Below, you will find some signs that it is time to jump ship and pursue a career
at another company where you can excel.




1. Your Job Focuses On All Of Your Weaknesses


There are certain facets of business that some people are not effective at doing
for the sole reason that they don’t like doing those things. For me, it’s numbers.


Even though I had a minor in accounting, I can’t stand looking at them nor do
I waste my time with them.


Good managers take their team and divide tasks according to each person’s strengths.


This is all well and good, but the problem is that there are not many good managers.


If your boss is not implementing this sort of strategy and you find yourself
waking up in the morning in agony, then it’s time to leave.




Video: How to Have a Better Career




2. Getting A Promotion Seems Years Away




Personally, I don’t like working with large companies nor did I enjoy my short
stint in the corporate world before I started my business.


The minute a company goes public, they have little loyalty for their employees.


Most firms could care less about the talent that lies within the company. Sadly,
some firms refer to people as human capital. Large companies have to produce in
90-day clips.


They have to increase numbers from the last quarter and many of the executives
are too busy being stressed by this. The outcome is that they don’t care to spend
10 minutes with you.


Corporations are not in the business of making you rich.


If you have this feeling and don’t see much of a future within the firm, leave.

Continue Is It Time to Leave Your Job
Ken Sundheim runs KAS Placement account management recruiters VP of sales headhunters and financial sales headhunters
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