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Mission statement and company values may sound like clichés and may be over hyped but the truth is that good mission statements and company values are important to the success of a company and take time to craft.

Effective mission statements answer the question, “How do we intend to succeed in business?” This question forces businesses to define their strengths and weaknesses in order to access where they can profitably play in a competitive landscape. Mission statements give people a clear sense of direction to profitability (aka how are we going to make money) simultaneously allowing them to feel like they are a part of something big and important. Mission statements need to be developed by top management. They need to be made by the people who will be responsible for the company. Depending on the mission of a company it can lead the company in different directions forcing them to lay off certain workers or to merge with certain companies all by following the mission.

Company values on the other hand are the specific action that is taken to complete the mission. In simple terms the values are the behaviors. Everyone in the company should take part in deciding the values. This can be easier in a small company and harder in a large corporate setting but nonetheless the people need to have say because these are the actions that everyone needs to work by in order for the company to thrive and meet its missions. In the larger corporate settings executives can come up with a draft of the values and circulate them around and develop feedback that can be revised and changed depending on everyone’s reactions and comments. Furthermore for a company to have affective meaningful values than they must reward those who follow them and punish those who defy them. This is the only way for everyone to get on the same page.

For a company’s missions and values to truly work together they need to be mutually reinforcing. That means values should support the missions. However many companies run into different situations where they change their values (behaviors) to adapt to the situation and this cause the company not to follow its mission. This can hurt a company and potentially destroy the whole thing. This can be temporary but if not changed or corrected than the company can be in grave danger. So remember values have to be concrete and missions need to be kept on point.

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